A nutritionally balanced 2 minute breakfast, cool and fresh perfect for the summer, and the best bit... you make it the night before

A pudding for breakfast, I'm in!
Are you a breakfast lover or do you find it hard to have an appetite in the mornings?
Whether to have breakfast or not has been controversial in the nutrition world for years. I say as I do with all nutrition do what works for you.
Most days I don't have breakfast as I prefer not to but occasionally I do, for various reasons from that time of the month leaving me needing extra fuel to extra physical training. But finding time to prepare breakfast in the morning is pretty impossible in my house which is why this is a classic favourite of mine.
The perfect balance of good quality fats & protein keeping you full for hours
Cool, fresh, fruity chia seeds soften on the outside with a crunch centre drizzled in deliciously sweet agave syrup and topped with fresh berries, crunchy cacao nibs and fibrous kiwi.
Sunrise Chia Seed Pudding
If your wondering why it's named 'sunrise' the clue is in the name. My partner and I love to watch the sunrise, we make it into the most wholesome morning, packing a basket full of coffee, fresh fruit and of course the sunrise chia seed pudding. In the UK in summer the sunrise is 4.40am meaning taking something we can prepare the night before is an absolute must!

Another reason this is always a winner, you can add whatever toppings you want to keep this classic breakfast fun and interesting!
For the pudding:
4tbsp chia seeds
205ml milk of choice (I use oat or coconut)
A drizzle or tsp of agave syrup
Cocao nibs
Coconut flakes
Kiwi - sliced thinly
Mix the chia seeds, milk and agave in a bowl or jar
Leave in the fridge over night, if you remember give this a little stir before going to bed (not essential but sometimes the seeds get a little stuck together)
Set a 4am alarm, get to a good sunrise spot and top with cacao nibs, coconut, kiwi and raspberries. If you like it extra sweet add a drizzle of agave
Add another picture at the end as a serving suggestion. Invite readers to leave comments below and share their own experience in preparing the recipe. You can even turn on guest commenting in the Editor so people can reply without signing in to your site.
Comment below and share where you enjoyed your chia seed pudding, did you take it to a sunrise?
